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时间:2024-09-17    来源:皇冠官方链接    人气:

本文摘要:China’s already crowded smartphone market just got more packed, with new devices from Letv — a Chinese internet company relatively unknown to many westerners — netting 1.2m pre-orders in a single day.中国本已拥挤不堪的智能手机市场显得更为挤迫了。


China’s already crowded smartphone market just got more packed, with new devices from Letv — a Chinese internet company relatively unknown to many westerners — netting 1.2m pre-orders in a single day.中国本已拥挤不堪的智能手机市场显得更为挤迫了。许多西方人比较陌生的中国互联网公司乐视(Letv)新的引的手机在一天就收到了120万预订单。The company, which runs one of China’s better known video streaming websites, launched the Le1, Le1 Pro and LeMax smartphones. Letv is offering free internet and free video content to its smartphone users, as well as a relatively low price of $245 for the Le1.乐视发售了艺1、乐1 Pro和乐Max 三款智能手机。

乐视经营着中国更为著名的视频播出网站之一。乐视向其智能手机用户获取免费网际网路服务和免费视频内容,还有比较便宜的价格——乐1售价为245美元。Xiaomi, an internet company that branched out into selling phones, adopted a similar strategy four years ago. Its device was intended to be a “gateway to an ecosystem” rather than merely a device on which to make calls and surf online.此前将业务范围扩展到手机销售的互联网公司小米(Xiaomi),在4年前采行了类似于的策略。

小米目的把自己的设备打导致“一个生态系统的入口”,而某种程度是一款用来打电话和网际网路的设备。Letv’s advantage is its access to content, including foreign television series such as Netflix’s House of Cards.乐视的优势在于取得其内容,还包括Netflix的《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)等外国电视连续剧。But although 1.2m pre-orders might be cause for champagne corks to pop elsewhere in the world, it is not that big a deal in China — new smartphone launches in the country can generate 4m daily pre-orders from the likes of the industry leaders such as Huawei and Xiaomi.尽管换到世界其他任何地方,120万预订单有一点关上香槟庆典,但这在中国并不是什么大事。华为(Huawei)和小米等业内领军企业发售新款智能手机时,每天都能取得400万预订单。


Xin Haiguang, a technology industry expert in Beijing, said the level of pre-orders was “an encouraging number for Letv, a newcomer smartphone maker. But it does not come as a huge surprise, nor is it very likely that the number is exaggerated, because frankly it’s not that large.”北京科技行业专家信海光回应,这个预订单水平“会令新来的智能手机制造商乐视深感激励。但这个数字不是尤其出人意料,也不太可能被高估了,因为坦白讲,这个数字不那么大。”Xiaomi wrote the playbook on marketing smartphones in China with its online strategy, cheap prices and networks of fans who popularise the phones through word-of-mouth. This method has been widely mimicked by competitors, prompting Xiaomi last month to cut prices on its latest phone model, the Mi4, due to competition.小米是中国市场智能手机的营销高手,其套路还包括在线策略、便宜价格和粉丝网络——粉丝们的口碑传播使小米手机家喻户晓。


竞争对手们争相效仿这个方法,造成小米迫使竞争压力,上月减少了其近期机型小米4的价格。Letv declined to comment.乐视拒绝接受置评。




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